JNV Kaghaznagar principal Chakrapani said that the students N Akshay Deepak, a class X student and J Rishi Aradhya studying Grade VIII were chosen to give a lecture on national leaders during the birth anniversary celebrations of former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi on November 19. They will speak about the contributions of Gandhi to the country.
Meanwhile, another student from this school, T Kalyan Srivatsava of Class VIII, was invited to deliver a lecture on the leaders in New Delhi on the
The students will be provided with an opportunity to visit Parliament, Museum, Central Library, National War Memorial or Rashtriya Samar Smarak and many other tourist places in the capital of the country.
They were among 25 students picked from across the country, four from Telangana and seven belonging to 75 JNVs in India. They were congratulated by T Gopala Krishna, deputy director of Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti, the south India unit.
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